SportsEngine Registration: Midland Lacrosse

Scholarship Request


Scholarship Request

The Midland Lacrosse Club wants all interested players to have an opportunity to play the sport of lacrosse. We try to keep our club expenses as low as possible to keep our membership fees as low as we can. We rely on many parent volunteers in order to keep the expenses down. If you are in need of support with your registration fee, please submit this scholarship request form. Please also keep in mind that we would welcome your participation as a volunteer to offset the cost of your scholarship.


The Midland Lacrosse registration fee can be covered in part or completely by a club scholarship. 


In the space provided for explanations please feel free to inform us of special circumstances such as:
-Recent loss of employment
-Single parent
-Recent family illness
-Multiple participants in the program


All of this information will help to determine the amount of scholarship provided.


If you have any questions please call Joe Stadelmaier at 989 430-9064.

Midland Lacrosse
